Oh..hello! I almost missed you there for a moment while I was stressing out about not being in love, wondering why on earth my hair is such a mess and trying to determine what on earth am I doing with my life! :)
Welcome to feminine wiles & urban survival 101.
I've been blogging on this site since 2003. How crazy is that? Although I've removed pretty much all of the older posts in an effort to houseclean, including some horrid dating stories, complaints and whining and whatnot.
I like to talk about dating and men (or lack thereof sometimes), personal revelations/confessions, photography, music, films, crazy art projects that I am trying to undertake, new products, fashion, fabulous buys (or ridiculous splurges), travelling, events in Toronto and life in general.
Occassionally I review products that I am interested in that fit into the grand scheme of this blog. Reviews are always honest and always taken from my personal point of view and how it fits into my life. If you'd like me to review something you think fits my blog, feel free to drop me an email or even to just say hello :)
E: melaniehillock (at) hotmail (dot) com
Likes: Coffee culture, British men, shoes, black ink, the smell of new books, wild violets, the thrill of new romance, travelling, snail mail, board games, wine and chocolate...
Dislikes: Relationships built via text messaging, Nicholas Sparks, drivers who don't signal, people who spit, Uggs, people who think they are smarter than me and being late.